This Way Up is a weekly two-hour radio show broadcast on Radio New Zealand National Saturdays from 12pm-2pm - it explores the things we use and consume.
Things we use and consume..what on earth does that mean?
Go on have a taste - we've covered superstitions, the history of scrabble and monopoly, ethical tea, how deodorant works, fair trade chocolate, hitchhiking in Cuba, jetlag, the laws of beachcombing, global butler shortages, tartan, the largest Swiss army knife, supermarket food labeling, homebrew, energy saving light bulbs, getting kitted out for the duck hunting season, the physics of toilet paper, why your urine smells funny after eating asparagus, how to buy a bra, the history of chewing gum, what makes camouflage so fashionable, using mobile phones on planes, things you'll find on your keyboard and why people eat together....and that's just for starters!
Give us your ears..go on, we'll give them back, promise! You might even enjoy it. Sign up to our weekly show preview by emailing