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Studio Hyperset::hypermedia_architects Podcast

Studio Hyperset::hypermedia_architects Podcast

The Studio Hyperset podcast features hypermedia news and interviews, reflections on industry developments by co-founders O. Quimby Melton and Isaac Melton, and a variety of other information including reviews of past and present Studio Hyperset projects. ABOUT STUDIO HYPERSET: Built from heretofore separate web design and media editing interests, Studio Hyperset projects fuse the textual internet with the mass media infotainment reformation. The contemporary internet is a “hypermedia” internet, one that fuses info-text, graphics, video, audio, and all manner of information and entertainment programming into one visual experience. Studio Hyperset serves clients whose needs match these developments. A single-entity hypermedia provider, we offer services in: audio-visual editing and recording; professional writing; Flash/Actionscript applications; HTML/CSS/PHP/JavaScript composition and design; database development; graphic design; info-text composition and editing; website development; new and traditional mass media composition and editing; RSS feeds; Podcasting; and film editing and production. For more information on Studio Hyperset, visit and
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