Hi y'all, welcome to our podcast!
I'm psyched that you decided to check us out. Let me tell you a little bit about us:
MABCNYC is a church where people speak to you in the morning. It is a place of worship that honors everyone. It is a community of faith that follows a gospel of joy and laughter, not judgment and fear. In short, it's not the "Baptist Church" everyone expects.
And to be honest, its not the "Baptist Church" I grew up in either. I was raised in a formal, arms length church where only certain people were allowed and laughter and joy were checked at the door. Consequently, I left the church for over 20 years. Now, here I am, an ordained Baptist pastor (go figure), and my personal goal is to make sure everyone feels welcome in this, our home.
There are no contracts to sign, no blood oaths. Just subscribe to our podcast and visit us in New York if you can, no strings attached! Hey, you never know--you might like what you find. I'll be looking for you!
-- Rev. Susan Sparks
PS - Feel welcome to check out our website: http://www.mabcnyc.org