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HPAW Game Podcast

HPAW Game Podcast

Welcome to H.P.A.W. (Hot Pants Action Webcast), we are a bi-monthly video podcast about video games and video game news, but more importantly we are about having fun and a few laughs. HPAWrsquo;s primary cast includes Mempf (thatrsquo;s me), World Gone Awry, Nw Striker and Teclis, we also have a number of guests that come to mix things up.

Now on to the episodes. They are generally about an hour in length, but sometimes we will do a special extended episode, so be on the look out for them. Other than that we do game play marathons. These marathons normally range from 6-12 hours, one of them however lasted Twenty-Six Hours! (Kingdom Hearts 2) We play all sorts of games for our marathons, from Oblivion to Metal Gear Solid 4 to Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In addition to all of this we sometimes have special live action documentaries and other special videos like our E for All 2007 coverage.
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