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HaShem’s 7 Commandments for all Mankind

HaShem’s 7 Commandments for all Mankind

Rabbi Zvi Aviner takes you step by step, up the ladder of Noah’s Seven Commandments, which is the moral fabric of civilization. The classes are on IDOLATRY, ADULTERY, BLOODSHED, THEFT, INJUSTICE, BLASPEHMY and MERCY (the Prohibition to eat BLOOD and a Limb from a Living Animal.)
The stories and concepts are drawn from thousands-years old Jewish literature, like the Midrash, Talmud, commentators and Kabbalah. More importantly, the material is anchored in Jewish customs, prayers and liturgy; some dated to the Holy Temple of Jerusalem.
Here you’ll discover the origin of ideas that have shaped our world, like the coming Reign of Mercy, the Heavenly Kingdom and the Eternal Sabbath. Whether you’re a Christian, a Muslim or a Jew, you’ll find these classes illuminating and inspiring.
Noah is the father of all Mankind. Hence his teaching is the roots of all faiths. Noah, by the very meaning of his Hebrew name, is a pleasant and accommodative teacher. His wife’s name, Naama, means the same. Learn about both of them, about their falling in love, and about their fascinating families and treacherous times. You’ll find that nothing is new under the Sun, and that we are still facing a similar moral discourse.
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