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NOW IS THEN: Snapshots from the Maresca Collection
February 12 - May 11, 2008
Curator: Marvin Heiferman
Now is Then: Snapshots from the Maresca Collection features nearly 200 images from the golden age of snapshot photography, the 1920s through the 1960s, selected from a collection of nearly 600 snapshots assembled by Frank Maresca, a leading expert on folk and outsider art that he donated to the Museum over the past six years. In addition to these vintage photographs, Now is Then also includes a continually changing presentation of contemporary digital snapshots, collected from the public for this exhibition, and displayed on a dynamic installation of small flat-screen monitors. These snapshots, old and new, raise interesting questions about the role photographic images play in our everyday lives: Why do we need and continue to make snapshots? How do we use them? Why do we value them? And ultimately, what happens to them?
Newark Museum - NOW IS THEN: Snapshots from the Maresca Collection
Todd Strange sings Dein ist mein Ganzes Herz by Franz Lehar
Dein ist Mein Ganzes Herz, Todd Strange, tenor; Nancy Curry, piano
Die traditionsreichste Sachbuchsendung im deutschen Sprachraum stellt seit über 33 Jahren jeweils ein Buch eines Autors eine Stunde lang im Gespräch vor. Die Themen reichen von Politik und Wirtschaft bis zu Gesundheit, Erziehung oder Psychologie.
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Jusqu'ici, seuls les privilégiés et ceux qui l'écoutent sur les radios locales avaient l'occasion d'entendre son accent du Sud-Ouest qui a le pouvoir de nous mettre immédiatement de bonne humeur. Sur ce podcast, le druide se déchaîne.
Interrogé par l'animatrice Geneviève Bonnard, il parle des vertus de la Gelée Royale, des bains de mains et des bains de pieds, du bigaradier pour lequel le phytothérapeute a un petit faible. En résumé, et durant un peu plus de trente minutes, de la fatigue sous toutes ses formes. En prime, il nous indique encore les bonnes pistes pour résoudre nos problèmes de fatigue. Le tout sur une musique originale de Michel Pépé, un autre ténor du bien-être. Ce Podcast est extrait du CD Le Jardin de Jacky Défatiguez-moi disponible à la vente dans notre boutique.
Le Jardin de Jacky, le Podcast de Jean-Jacques Descamps
NEW-GEN Spotlight is here to let you get up close and personal with the people doing interesting things in the art, entertainment, and scientific community. Advances in mankind and culture tend to come from these areas and that's what we're gonna focus on, so ears open, and listen to whats being said!
A.P.N.G. Enterprises
BeefCast: Regular updates and entertainment on and about the beef industry. Your Connection. At Your Convenience.
Doctor's Digest was created to fill a need unanimously voiced by physicians in a market research project headed by The Matalia Group, November 2004. This research showed that busy physicians want brief, practical and easy-to-use solutions for their non-clinical, practice-related problems so they can continue to focus their time and energy on helping patients.
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The Leviathan Chronicles is a sci-fi podcast that tracks Macallan Orsel, a young genetic scientist in present-day New York City who discovers that immortality is not a fool's fantasy, but rather a reality for a several factions of powerful immortals living among us. The Leviathan Chronicles is the ultimate science fiction and fantasy audio drama podcast.
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Actors, writers and other artists, plus coaches and psychologists talk about the psychological aspects of personal growth and creative expression.
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New York Times best-selling novelist Scott Sigler gives away all of his stories as free, serialized audiobooks. Described as "Stephen King meets Michael Crichton meets Chuck Palahniuk," Scott's stories of hard-science horror will have you tapping a vein as you Jones for next week's fix.
Subscribe to hear major-release hardcover novels read by the author, as well as short fiction and a weekly dose of Scott's column for the AMC channel, called "Laughing in the Face of Death." For more info and more free audiobooks, visit
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The Safety Culture Excellence is a new podcast series designed by ProAct Safety to assist you on your journey towards either achieving or sustaining Safety Culture Excellence. Each week we hope to bring you new ideas and based on your input, discuss topics that both positively and negatively influence and impact safety cultures.
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QBC Ltd is an executive coaching firm which specialises in motivating an engaged workforce to create great customer experiences. In this podcast, company founder Michael Byrne addresses Employee Engagement. For more information on this and other QBC newsfeeds, visit An Edgecast Media Production
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Can innovation turn the tables on the financial crisis?
- What are the social impacts of technological innovation?
- How can the EIT push the innovation agenda?
“Interfacing Innovation” will debate all of these questions and more, with a special focus on the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
Co-organised by the European Journalism Centre and the European Commission, the conference boasts the leading lights in technology and innovation.
It features several ambassadors from the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, officials from CERN and researchers from Stanford University – all shaping an ongoing dialogue, across time and states.
Interfacing Innovation Conference (audio-podcast)
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Why Quality In Manufacturing? Thanks to globalization and rapid advances in technology, today's manufacturing environment is increasingly competitive. Manufacturers need to stay focused on finding new ways to design, produce, sell and deliver products. ASQ helps organizations by providing business solutions to improve bottom-line results, improving operational processes, identifying problems and solutions quickly and systematically, reducing waste and cycle time, and equipping companies with effective supply chain management methods. This ongoing series of podcasts will feature information targeted to medical devices, food safety (food quality), pharmaceuticals (pharma), and lean manufacturing.
ASQ Manufacturing Quality News
Geek Pop is a free online music festival featuring songs about science. The festival brings together science-inspired artists from around the globe in a gleeful celebration of geek culture. All festival-goers can download a free podcast full of event highlights. So grab your virtual wellies and prepare to unleash your inner geek.
To find out more about Geek Pop or to download individual tracks, go to:
To register for Geek Pop updates, go to:
geek pop
This exhibition presents contemporary Indian photography and video art of the last quarter century, ranging from straightforward photojournalism to highly contrived personal expressions. The twenty-eight artists included in this exhibition provide rich insights into the dynamics shaping the contemporary Indian psyche and social sphere, including deeply rooted cultural practices, dramatic economic and political shifts and the pervasive influence of the media. As they use their cameras to observe, analyze, interpret and subvert, these artists traverse many realms of experience, from the inescapable shared spectacle of the worlds of politics and Bollywood to the enigmatic territory of the artists imagination. They investigate identity as a social construct, engage issues of gender and sexuality, and explore the effects of population migrations. As a result, the lens moves from the street to the home and from the body politic to the body of the artist.
Newark Museum - India: Public Places Private Spaces
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