"Falling Up" is a powerful story of the transformation that occurs for Johnny Popp, a Vietnam Veteran from Michigan who is a crack addict on the streets of "Skid Row" in downtown Los Angeles. After his wife was killed in a car accident, Johnny turned to alcohol and marijuana to soothe his pain and was later introduced to crack/cocaine. Johnny survives day to day off the kindness of others until he is beaten up and left for dead, though that one incident turns his life around for the better.
Director: Stephon Litwinczuk
Producer: Stephon Litwinczuk
Actors: Johnny Popp, Lorraine Marquez, Officer Deon Joseph, Mark A. R. Kleiman, Marc Moten, Lilian Lucero, Julieta Pajo, Greg Trotter, Los Angeles, Skid Row
Director: Stephon Litwinczuk
Cast & Crew: Johnny Popp, Lorraine Marquez, Officer Deon Joseph, Mark A. R. Kleiman, Marc Moten, Lilian Lucero, Julieta Pajo, Greg Trotter, Los Angeles, Skid Row