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Kumpania Trailer

The mysterious pull of an old Spanish 'Gypsy' art on contemporary musicians in Los Angeles is the essence of KUMPANIA. We see how these musicians inspire each other to reach new heights of artistry, despite the meager audience in Los Angeles.

Director: Katina Dunn
Producer: Katina Dunn, Kevin Dunn, Noah Berlow, Cristina Lucio, Margo Alexander, Josh Hsieh, Laurie B. Kirby
Actors: Antonio De Jerez, Jose Tanaka, Vanessa Acosta-Albalos, Mizuho Sato, Briseyda Zarate Fernandez, Antonio Triana II, Gerardo Morales, Manuel De La Cruz, Walter Molina, Kai Narezo, Joey Heredia, Timo Nunez and Paloma Rios
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