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RunRunLive 2.0 - Running Podcast

RunRunLive 2.0 - Running Podcast
Welcome to the Run-Run-Live Podcast! - The podcast for runners, wannabe runners and mid-packers of all shapes and sizes who just want to strap on their favorite pair of shoes and get out there! This is Chris your host and wherever and whenever this episode finds you I hope you?re doing great and I hope you?re getting your run in today! I know I?m getting my run in! Here?s the agenda for podcast ? my goal is to keep it around 40 minutes and keep it chock full of content: First I?ll lead in with a quick introduction Second we?ll give you the ?equipment check? where we talk about some piece of technology or other collateral running stuff. Each show will be wrapped around a featured segment where we interview someone interesting from our running world. I?ll follow that with a Quick Tip derived from my centuries of running experience. We?ll wrap it up with some music of our guest?s choosing from the podcast music network. Some things we?re not going to do. I?m going to try to avoid recording myself while I?m running ? all that heavy breathing is a little creepy. And no extended emotional monolog-ing! If you want the emotional content you can visit my blog ?The runnerati blog? at Please leave me an audio comment at: (write this down or better yet program the number into your cell phone - 206-339-7804. Or send me an email at Thanks for listening and let me know what you think. You ready to have some fun? Come on then, let?s go for a run! Each Podcast we?re going to have a full agenda. We?ve got some inspiration and tips to keep you moving forward. And In our featured segment we will be speaking with interesting members of our sport to share their accumulated knowledge with us. We know that you like to listen to your iPod while you work out, so?We?ve planned the Run-Run-Live Podcast to last about 40 minutes ? perfect for your daily jog or your commute to work. There are millions of normal, everyday folks like us who use running as a way to lead a balanced, happy and challenging lifestyle. Would you like to learn from them? I have had the privilege to have kicked around the mid-pack of the sport for some time. I?ve learned a ton about myself and running. I?ve met a whole bunch of incredible, and sometimes odd, always interesting people. We?re going to share all this with you. Listen to the RunRunLive podcast and learn from experts and regular Joe?s ? get that inspiration and affirmation you need. All you have to do is go to the Itunes store ? search on ?Running? and subscribe to the RunRunLive Podcast ? it?s free and it will be autmagically loaded onto your iPod as new episodes become available. Also visit the RunRunLive website (at to get back episodes and show notes, check out the Runnerati blog and other interesting, cool and compelling bits of stuff! I want to get you on the air ? so leave me an audio comment. Each week I?ll play the cool comments we get. So do you have tip for us? Some great product you want to tell us about? A cool training loop or an awesome race coming up? Call the K7 Audio line and leave a message ? I?ll get the audio file and if we like your comment we?ll make you a star?Get your pencil and pad ready ? or better yet program it into you cell phone. 206-339-7804 ? just dial it up and leave a message ? that number again... 206-339-7804 Plus the more comments you leave ? the less you have to listen to me talk! Are you ready to have some fun? Come on ? Let?s go for a run!
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